I must say... this has been a great week for shows. LCD Soundsystem last Tuesday, The Strokes with, yes I am not joking, Elvis Costello on Friday and then, the one I was most looking forward to, Peter Murphy last night. I'm not going to go into the gushing Peter-Murphy-is-my-husband mode like I was yesterday (Facebook and Twitter friends were subject to that enough already), but I LOVE the man. From the early days of Bauhaus, to looking forward to buying his new album, Ninth, when it is released this year. I'm the person who has a limited edition Resurrection Tour print hanging on my bedroom wall (thanks Michelle Hel - one of the best birthday gifts ever!!). I'm the person who listens to Dark Entries and starts immediately dancing, wherever I may happen to be. So, yes, Peter Murphy and me go a long way back.
(For those who don't get the "husband" thing it's a long-standing joke. I have quite a few husbands, some are dead now, but they all happen to be famously talented and amazing musicians).
Jessie Mayer (Official website) was added as a last minute opening act. Beautiful voice, just her and her guitar on stage. I need her album.
Livan (Official website) was on next, and so much fun - great band and showmanship... And that DRUMMER... He was SO FUCKING GOOD. I came home and downloaded the last Livan album, so we will see if they are as good as I thought they were last night.
And then Peter... I was the first one in the building so literally front row, slightly to the left of the mike stand. Yes, I looked into his eyes several times... Those eyes...
He's still got such great presence on stage, less austere and "dark" as he appeared in the 80's, more approachable, a lot more interactive with the crowd and really appeared to be enjoying himself, as much as all of the adoring fans watching him were. He's very witty and funny, loved talking about his tits and how we should all touch them... My favourite quote of the night "Oh my GAWD, the King of Goth has gone erotic! This will be ALL OVER Youtube by tomorrow!". At one point he pushed Dana's camera away from her face, grinned at her and then pinched her on the nose - I never knew what he was going to do after that...
My favourite part was when Strange Kind of Love morphed into Bela Lugosi's Dead, with Peter staring right into the white spotlight, and looked uncannily like Bela Lugosi in Dracula... Amazing.
I could go on gushing forever, but I love him as much as I did 15+ years ago, and I will continue to do so. The setlist was fantastic - I just wish they hadn't had a curfew and therefore hadn't had to forego the last two songs in the second encore. Maybe next time he comes this way...
The show made me immensely HAPPY. Best show I have been to so far this year :).
The pictures were taken with my iPhone, but Dana took some really really good ones, so I will post a link to them as soon as she confirms they are up (link to her website HERE)
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